System info

infoCurrent version and operating state of the system. System:

infoIdentified chip family. Chip family:

info Connection to the MQTT broker is currently established and technical MQTT messages are being sent.

Out-bound MQTT technical topics:
N/A (broker connection missing)
N/A (broker connection missing)
N/A (broker connection missing) learn more...
MQTT Conn.:

infoTime elapsed since last system boot. Generally low times indicate unstable system or power supply. System Up:

infoTime elapsed since last handshake with Wi-Fi router and the router's received signal strength (RSSI). Consistently low times and low RSSI (<-70dBm) indicate weak connection. Wi-Fi Up:

infoTime elapsed since last handshake with MQTT broker. Generally low times indicate unstable connection with the broker. MQTT Up:

infoTime elapsed since the last refresh of the real-time clock. RTC Up:

infoCurrently available free heap. Values below 5000 may indicate an issue. RAM:



info Passwords are not included in the exported file by default. Allow this to include them. learn more...

info If the previously exported process file was incomplete, you may select the next process to create a complementing export file. learn more...


info By default, the import procedure overwrites the parameters specified in the file while ignoring the others. To revert the remaining parameters to their factory values, enable the Fresh Import option. Note that only the device settings are affected when importing device settings, and only the processes are affected when importing process settings. Fresh import:

info Enabling the Retain option will preserve your currently active Wi-Fi settings, preventing any unwanted loss of connection. This option is only applicable to device settings and has no effect when importing process settings. Wi-Fi settings:

info Choose the previously exported backup file (.aya) to be imported into the device. learn more...