Represents a user-given Name of a respective process. By default it is set to
and can be changed to any string up to 13 characters long.
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Main state represents a master switch directly affecting behavior of the selected process. Change the process' main state to:
Off - output turned off ([stat]=0)
Auto - output determined by inputs ([stat]=1)
On - output turned on ([stat]=2) or
Inactive - output unresponsive to inputs ([stat]=3)
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Main state:
Determines the Initial state that the process starts in after booting.
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Initial state:
Determines if the process is included in the Display loop.
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Determines time intervals during which the process' output is being evaluated.
When outside of all of the listed intervals, the input readings are being received and published, but the output is unresponsive.
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,where [i] = 1,2,3, or 4
Determines days during which only the process' output is being evaluated.
On the unselected days the input readings are being received and published, but the output is unresponsive.
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,where [i] = 1,2,3,4,5,6, or 7
Allows employing conditions based on the current state or value of any of the available variables. Then the process is only active if all the conditions including the Process timer are met.
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Variable constraints:
Decides the reaction of the process's output to evaluation of the compound conditions Process timer and Variable constraints. By allowing:
On - the process will automatically turn on its output one time once the compound conditions evaluate to true after being previously evaluated as false.
Off - the process will automatically turn off its output one time once the compound conditions evaluate to false after being previously evaluated as true.
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Chooses the primary Input for the selected process out of the list.
You may only choose the enabled inputs according to the selected options in the In-out menu.
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In specific cases there are multiple values related to a single GPIO pin, while the Channel option is used to address them individually.
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When checking the input value, the Control period determines the time period for which the input must retain certain state or remain beyond
a certain threshold before the state or threshold is recognized as reached and the underlying condition satisfied.
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Shows the current reading. Although the device may perform measurements much more often, the figure displayed in the web control is only updated once every 2 seconds.
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When allowed and connection with MQTT broker is established, the live input reading will be published as an MQTT message in a regular interval.
Independently from this setting it is also accessible via on-demand HTTP request.
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Determines frequency of input value publishing to an MQTT broker.
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When Use name is allowed, the topic of the input MQTT messages is altered by replacing the process_[id] with respective process' [name].
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Defines the event which leads to a subsequent switch of the output's state to ON. This event may be represented by a change of state of the underlying digital input,
an internal timer or satisfaction of a predefined condition. Items labeled with * count as both ON and OFF events.
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Defines the
and the Test value
of the Condition satisfaction of which is required for the output to be switched ON
. learn more...
Defines the lower bound of the Analog link
's input range.learn more...
Defines the Deadbands
's lower bound.learn more...
Defines the Deadbands
's center.learn more...
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The output is automatically turned ON after it remains in the OFF state for a predefined Idle time.
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Once the
On event
is recognized and a Delay on period is set to be greater than 0,
the output will wait for this period before it is turned ON as a reaction to the event.
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Setting the Fade-in to be greater than zero results into a gradual transition of the
output's pulse duty cycle from 0% to a Duty cycle
over the Fade-out period.
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Defines the event which leads to a subsequent switch of the output's state to OFF. This event may be represented by a change of state of the underlying digital input,
an internal timer or satisfaction of a predefined condition.
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Defines the
and the Test value
of the Condition satisfaction of which is required for the output to be switched OFF
. learn more...
Defines the upper bound of the Analog link
's input range.learn more...
Defines the Deadbands
's upper bound.learn more...
Defines the Deadbands
's spread.learn more...
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The output is automatically turned OFF after it remains in the ON state for a predefined Running time.
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Once the
Off event
is recognized and a Delay off period is set to be greater than 0,
the output will wait for this period before it is turned OFF as a reaction to the event.
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Setting the Fade-out to be greater than zero results into a gradual transition of the
output's pulse duty cycle from a Duty cycle
to 0% over the Fade-out period.
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Defines on which side of the deadband the output will turn
or OFF
, respectively.
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Peripheral selected as a primary process output target
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Defines the Action performed with the
Memory slot
selected in the Output
once the output On event
is triggered. The Off event
is normally ignored.
Increase / INC - increase the selected MEM
by 1 or by Mem value
if provided.
Decrease / DEC - decrease the selected MEM
by 1 or by Mem value
if provided.
Clear / CLR - reset the selected MEM
to 0.
Set / SET - set the selected MEM
to Mem value
Off Clear - additionally to the On event
action, choosing this option will automatically clear the selected Memory slot
to 0 upon the Off event
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Main program Mode of the
RGB driver
to be played.
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Determines the base Color for the
RGB program
. Only effective for relevant Modes
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Enabling this will change the output to
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Logically Inverts the output as follows:
non-PWM output
the output now assumes a LOW
state (0V) when ON
and a HIGH
state (3.3V) when OFF
PWM output
the output now assumes a provided duty cycle when ON
and a constant HIGH
state (3.3V) when OFF
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Defines the lower bound of the
Analog link
's output range. learn more...
A number added to, deducted from or saved into the Memory slot
selected in the Output
. learn more...
The Speed of the RGB driver
program is denoted as a non-dimensional unit. It holds relevance for most programs, but its exact interpretation differs among these programs. learn more...
Selects the Folder from which the track will be selected for playback. learn more...
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Defines the upper bound of the
Analog link
's output range. learn more...
Determines the PWM
Duty cycle of an output. learn more...
Determines the maximum Brightness of the RGB program
, represented as a percentage of the LED's maximum power output. learn more...
Selects the Track to be played by the Audio module
. learn more...
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When allowed and connection with MQTT broker is established, the output's state will be published as an MQTT message upon each change.
Independently from this setting it is also accessible via on-demand HTTP request.
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Topic: N/A
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When Use name is allowed, the topic of the output MQTT messages is altered by replacing the process_[id] with respective process' [name].
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Defines Secondary outputs and how they Respond to the primary event.
The Secondary outputs represents the primary output of another process and is addressed by the respective process ID. All other output parameters apply.
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Secondary outputs:
Defines the period for which the process' output will remain in the
state within a single cycle.
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Defines the period for which the process' output will remain in the
state within a single cycle.
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Determines how many times the process' output switches between
and LOW
states when the process turns ON
If zero is provided then the Cycle is repeated indefinitely or until the process is turned OFF
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