Mapping (edit)
The native ADC measurement returns a 10-bit value in the range of 0-1023
which is not sufficient for measurements where the desired value is not a linear function of the voltage reading, say, an NTC Thermometer

Value Mapping consists of pairs of Analog-Digital Converted (an)
and Target Unit (vn)
and serves to improve the approximation when transforming readings from ADC
to other units by breaking down the total curve into
a maximum of 49 smaller segments within which the linear interpolation leads to a sufficiently small error:

ADC Value | Target Unit Value |
a1 | v1 |
a2 | v2 |
a3 | v3 |
a4 | v4 |
a5 | v5 |
... | ... |
a50 | v50 |
pairs is 50 but user may define any number of pairs smaller than that, leaving the remainder unused.Editor
While you may choose a defined Mapping directly within the Peripheral page, you need to visit the Mapping editor to define them.
This is achieved by clicking the Edit
button below the chosen map in the Peripheral page:

Once in the Mapping editor, the user needs to provide following:
- user-defined name of the Mapping for better orientation,Sign
- symbol representing a unit of measurement (e.g. °C, °F, % etc.), andPairs of ADC/Mapped values
- up to 50 combinations ofADCn
value with their Mapped counterpart constituting the whole curve. TheADCn
series does not need to be regular, but it must be an increasing series, and it is recommended to provide only a range of values that can be practically obtained. If theADC
reading falls outside of the provided range, it is considered an invalid reading and a Safety Shut-down is initiated.
All of this can be provided either by manually filling in the input areas within the Mapping editor or by providing it in the JSON
form. This is done as follows:
- Click on the "JSON Import / Export" button - this will unhide the
textarea - Paste the JSON into the textarea
- Click on the "Load from JSON - this will feed the
data into the input areas above
needs to be in the following structure:
- {
- "name":"[MAPPING_NAME]",
- "a1":[a1],"v1":[v1],
- "a2":[a2],"v2":[v2],
- ...
- "an":[an],"vn":[vn]
- } , with n anywhere between 2 and 50
Consider a following Mapping example for an NTC Thermometer
and an instantanous voltage reading corresponding to an ADC value
of 562
The nearest lower and upper mapped ADC values
as per the example are 554
and 577
, respectively.
These are corresponding to the Mapped values
of 23.3°C
and 21.3°C
, respectively.
The raw transformed value (prior to Calibration) is then calculated as a linear interpolation of the range 23.3°C
- 21.3°C
based on a relative position of the ADC value
of 562
in the range of 554
and 577
, which results in 22.6°C