The License menu allows the user to unlock the full, unrestricted potential of the unicontrol. Upon activation this page becomes passive with no interactions available and only serves as a certificate of ownership:

There are two options how the activation can be carried out: online and offline. The user may switch between the two by hitting the buttons Go offline or Go online, respecively.
Pressing Activate after providing correct inputs will immediately activate the device without any loss of the existing set-up. This includes also devices which were already deactivated after their trial period elapsed.
Online activation
The main option is to perform the activation online. This is done by providing Invoice number and Order number from the relevant, valid license purchase. If the device has an active internet connection while pressing Activate, the device will perform a brief exchange with the server and become automatically activated.

- Invoice number represents the serial number of the invoice by which the licence was purchased and can be found on the invoice (see below).
- Order number represents the serial number of the order in which the licence was purchased and can be found on the invoice (see below).

Offline activation
In case that online activation is not practicable it is possible to enter an activation key instead. Press the Go offline button to find the following:

Code is a valid activation key provided by ayatec. Upon its entering the device will become fully activated.