Process timer
Determines days and time intervals within those days when the process' output is being evaluated. During the unselected days or when outside of this interval, the input readings are being received and published, but the output is unresponsive.
Time [VALUE]
is always provided in the 24-hour format HH:MM
may be denoted either as a logical True
or False
, or as their binary equivalents 1
and 0
is NOT a valid input and will generate error. 08:35
needs to be provided instead.HTTP
The device will accept HTTP requests at the following URLs related to:
- Respective interval starts:
(POST) http://[IPv4]
/var_set?param=tfrom[1-4]_[PROCESS ID]
(GET) http://[IPv4]
/var_request?param=tfrom[1-4]_[PROCESS ID]
- Respective interval ends:
(POST) http://[IPv4]
/var_set?param=tto[1-4]_[PROCESS ID]
(GET) http://[IPv4]
/var_request?param=tto[1-4]_[PROCESS ID]
- Respective days:
(POST) http://[IPv4]
/var_set?param=d[1-7]_[PROCESS ID]
(GET) http://[IPv4]
/var_request?param=d[1-7]_[PROCESS ID]
will set the first time interval's start for Process #3 to exactly 5 AM.
Learn more in HTTP API.
This parameter can also be accessed via MQTT using [PARAMETER]
= tfrom1
, tfrom2
, tfrom3
, tfrom4
, tto1
, tto2
, tto3
, tto4
, d1
, d2
, d3
, d4
, d5
, d6
, and d7
, respectively.
Learn more in MQTT API.
Topic: johndoe5896/home/garagedoor/sub/process_5/tfrom1
Payload: 05:00
will set the first time interval's start for Process #3 to exactly 5 AM.
Following process will only control the relevant output on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, between 8:00 and 12:00 and also between 16:00 and 20:00: