In the System menu, users can access valuable information regarding the operation of the device and the backup functions.
System info
System info section
System displays the system status.
MQTT Connection indicates whether the connection to the MQTT broker is established.
If connected, the info window lists the currently valid MQTT topics of Technical messages.
System Up monitors the time elapsed since the last system boot.
Wi-Fi Up monitors the time since the last handshake with the Wi-Fi router and displays the router's received signal strength (RSSI).
MQTT Up monitors the time elapsed since the last connection to the MQTT broker.
NTP Up monitors the time elapsed since the last refresh of the real-time clock.
RAM displays the currently available heap. Values below 5k may indicate potential issues.
Longer Wi-Fi and MQTT connection times, coupled with a higher RSSI (>-65dBm), indicate a strong connection.
If these durations cannot reach at least several hours, or the RSSI consistently falls below -75dBm,
it may indicate connectivity issues. In this case, attaching an external antenna to the ESP8266 may be necessary.
The backup functions listed below are currently labeled as experimental due to stability concerns when importing files significantly larger than 4kB.
Backup section
In this section, users can export or import the settings of the connected unicontrol device.
The backup files consolidate all settings differing from the default values.
Each device's backup consists of two parts:
Process Settings - This file contains all Process settings diverging from their default values.
When created, the file's name follows this pattern: unicontrol_backup_processes_[DEVICE NAME]_[DATE OF EXPORT].aya
Device Settings -
This file encompasses all Peripheral, Device, and Wireless settings differing from their default values.
When created, the file's name follows this pattern: unicontrol_backup_device_[DEVICE NAME]_[DATE OF EXPORT].aya
The menu offers the following options:
Include Passwords - If enabled, the Master password, Wi-Fi passwords,
and the MQTT broker password will be included in the subsequently exported Device settings file. The passwords are excluded from this file by default.
Export Device Settings - Saves the currently applicable Device settings file to the user's local computer.
The file will exclude parameters currently set to their default values. It will also exclude all passwords unless the Include Passwords option is activated.
Export Process Settings - Saves the currently applicable Process settings file to the user's local computer.
The file will exclude parameters currently set to their default values.
Fresh Import - By default, the import procedure only overwrites the parameters specified in the file and ignores the settings which were not included.
To reset the remaining parameters to their factory values, enable the Fresh Import option.
Note that this affects only the device parameters when importing a Device settings file and only the processes when importing a Process settings file.
Wi-Fi Settings - Enabling the Retain option will preserve the active Wi-Fi settings, preventing any unintended loss of connection.
This option is only applicable to Device settings and has no effect when importing a Process settings file.
Choose the Backup File - opens the explorer window, allowing users to select the file for import.
Import Settings - Imports all settings from the chosen backup file, overlooking any parameters that are absent in the file!